Saturday, July 24, 2010

Return of the Rash?

Hi All!

Do you remember this "lovely" rash?

Well, it seems like this rash is coming back.
This is a nice, sun poisoning rash - a pretty severe sun poisoning rash as it turned out. I was given a lotion and some pills to "take care" of the rash. The medicine worked well and the rash retreated.
Well, mostly. The bumps and the itchiness retreated but the redness pretty much stayed. That wasn't too surprising since my skin tends to have deal with things through hyper-pigmentation.
If I have a "blemish" I have a reddish spot at the blemish site long after the actual blemish is healed. So - the redness in the rash area . . . not too concerning.
However, in the past couple of days I have noticed that tiny little red bumps have started to show up among the redness. This has me concerned - major time!
I am starting to feel like the sun is my arch nemesis and I just can't get away from it - especially since I live in such a sunny state! This is beginning to get me down! Already I am wearing broad-brimmed hats whenever I go outside even if it is just to walk from the car to a store or vice-versa.
I am feeling a bit frustrated with this entire thing. I will be calling the Doc first thing on Monday to see what he has to say about it. I really don't like dealing with doctors!
On to more "happy" things.
My "new" book that I am reading - Day of Confession by Allan Folsom - is REALLY good so far. It is all about a conspiracy at the Vatican. There is murder. There is a man hunt - actually two. There is intrigue. There is false identity. Exciting!
The basic plot is that a young American priest, Daniel Addison, works at the Vatican. He has a brother, Harry Addison, who is a high-power lawyer in Hollywood. The brothers haven't spoken in over eight years but, suddenly, Daniel leaves a message on Harry's machine asking for help. Harry attempts to contact his brother but can't. Then he gets word that his brother has been killed in a bus bombing and heads off to Italy to bring the body "home" for burial.
As soon as he steps onto Italian soil the trouble starts. Police intercept him at the airport and he finds out that not only do they believe that his brother assassinated a Cardinal but, they think that HE helped his brother!
At the funeral home, Harry looks at his brother's remains and makes the startling discovery that they are NOT in fact his brother! Now even more trouble starts. Now people are looking for Daniel and believe that Harry knows where he is.
Harry is kidnapped, tortured, and then shot and left for dead only to be nursed back to health by a band of gypsies and a disabled dwarf named Hercules.
Where will this story go? I am completely hooked!
Voice Update: Doing well. I talked and talked and talked to Hubby yesterday - pretty amazing considering how quiet he normally is!


Elizabeth Mahlou said...

That book sounds interesting -- lots of twists and turns.

Looks like you have very sensitive skin, like my daughter. She needs constant protection from the sun. (She did NOT get ANY of our family's Native American, turn brown fast in the sun, genes.)

Chris H said...

The rash will go.. I assure you. I had it once.. huge itchy red lumps all over my arms and back, chest etc... it only ever happened over one summer... and never again.