Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Walk

Hi All!

After my little SD rant last night, I feel better. It is frustrating to have to constantly explain that I DO have SD and why my voice sounds "so good." I guess I should take it as a compliment - I have worked very hard to get my voice sounding this good and the fact that most people can't tell that I have SD is a good thing. Right?


Oh well! Onto a new topic.

My new purse camera and I went walking this morning. Here are some of the sights. Oddly, there wasn't a lot to take pictures of - normally I see about a million things I want to photograph but not today.

Here is a duck which hangs out at the same place pretty much every day. I love him/her for the different coloring.

It is a Mallard Duck from what I can tell but the back is pretty much all white. Beautiful! Of course, he/she didn't want me to come too close. I respect duck privacy!

I was fascinated by my shadow while I walked. My legs alternated between looking like tree trunks and tiny little sticks depending on how the sun was hitting them.

Calla lilies always remind me of funerals - even though I have never seen any at funerals.
Anyway, these Calla Lilies are pink and beautiful.

This is a "new" flowerbed that has been planted by the HOA. I like the look of it with the empty spaces between the plants. I want my front flowerbeds to look sort of like this. See the yellow flowers in the front of the picture? I have made it my mission to "dead head" those flowers so that they keep blooming for as long as possible.

A man stopped and watched me dead head. He sort of made me nervous. I wonder if he thought I was picking the flowers. Now that would be odd to see!
That brings me to the end of my walk pictures for today. I love my little camera!
Voice Update: Doing well but I really don't want to talk about it today. I am working on the crunchies.


Anonymous said...

Love the sunny pictures! And the flowers of course!

noble pig said...

I love the rock around that flower bed.