Monday, May 19, 2008

Camera Carrying Concerns

Hi All!

Okay - I am not too great with the camera but I saw this outside one night and just had to snap a few pictures. Between the clouds and the setting sun - it was pretty nice! Not as nice as Pioneer Woman, of course but . . . I guess it is okay.

Seeing so many bloggers with their fabulous pictures, I have been getting the photography "itch." I dug out the manual for my camera to start finding out some of those darn "extra" features. I was pretty excited when I figured out that I could shoot in black and white. Once upon a time, I think I did know that I could do that but . . . I forgot!

As you may know, I walk every morning and I see some really neat things. This morning I actually considered carrying my camera with me on my walk so I could take pictures of the things I see. Then I started thinking about what that would entail.

I walk for the exercise and if I stopped to snap pictures of the things I see - I wouldn't be walking as fast as I need too. Also - all the stopping would add time onto my walk which would interfere with my IMing with my mother - which we do every morning after my walk.

AND - wouldn't I look sort of weird with a camera around my neck while walking down the road? Would people think I was a tourist?

Besides all those issues - if I started taking more pictures and they turned out horrible - what would that do to my self esteem? Can I handle being one of the only bloggers out there who CAN'T take pictures???

The Camera Carrying Concerns continue . . .


Voice Update:
Okay - I am feeling fractious today. I don't feel like talking and doing exercises. I am feeling anti-social. maybe my voice will benefit from the rest. I do have to go grocery shopping though and that is perfect voice exercise time. It freaks out the other shoppers and gives me something to do while trolling for food.

My voice is okay. Not as good as it has been but okay. I used my microphone yesterday while walking and it felt a lot better to not be struggling to talk loud enough for Hubby to hear me. I need to do that more.


Anonymous said...

I need to figure out my camera too!

My voice is really bad... It is stressing me out because we have family coming this week for the girls' graduation. I do okay one on one but gosh... it gets hard for my husband to hear me if the kids are being too loud. And my Dad and brother are LOUD. sigh.

Trisha said...

Take a deep breath! You need to understand that these people love you for you not for your voice. Don't work too hard. If you want to talk to people - get really close to them or take them to a quiet room.

Have you ever considered getting a microphone? It really helps take the pressure to talk loud out of the socialization equation!

My family is loud too but they have figured out to be quiet when I am talking - it took a long time but . . .