Thursday, March 26, 2009

Val Kilmer and Hawks

Hi All!

Thankfully, I have recovered from yesterday's migraine! All day yesterday I felt bad - like I had been run over by a truck - but, another LONG nap helped a lot. Today I feel pretty good, all things considered.

Just to clarify the whole lunch making for Hubby thing. Hubby CAN and has made his own lunch. However, he isn't much of a morning person and I am so I took over making his lunch for him a while ago. It also helps me feel less like a "kept woman" when I send him off to work.

Val Kilmer.

Lots of people think that he is really handsome and that he is a good actor. Me . . . not so much. Wait! Before you gasp is outrage, I DO admit that he is a pretty good actor. He makes his characters very believable. But there is just something about him that sort of freaks me out. It makes it difficult for me to watch him in a movie - something I had to do for class!

The movie I watched is "At First Sight." In this movie, Val Kilmer plays a man who became blind at the age of about three and who has grown up blind. He meets a woman and falls in love. She convinces him to try a surgery to reverse his blindness and it is a great success . .. sort of. He can see but, because he never really saw a lot of things (or doesn't remember what he saw) he doesn't know what the things he is seeing are. He has to learn what things are like a child experiencing things for the first time.

This movie mirrors the experiences of some Deaf people who are pressured into getting cochlear implants. They technically hear but have no idea what they are hearing. They have to spend a lot of time learning to hear. Weird,huh?

Anyway. The movie - good. But Val Kilmer just freaks me out! I am so glad that I am done watching that movie!

On to other topics. I saw two beautiful hawks this morning while I was walking. The morning is cool and misty - hinting at rain to come. The first hawk I saw flew across the street in front of me and landed in a tree. I stopped and gawked for a while until he/she flew away. This hawk seemed a bit small and I am thinking it may have been a juvenile. About a half a block down the way, another, larger hawk flew across the street in front of me in the same direction as the first hawk. They are really magnificent birds, aren't they?



Voice Update: Working on it! Working on it! I got into the massage yesterday during the movie (it distracted me from Val Kilmer) and things seem to be good.


Mental P Mama said...

Well, I'm glad you set me straight about the hubby and his food skills! We have hawks nesting near us. I think they are beautiful, unless they are feeding at my feeders. Sigh. Glad you feel better;)

Chris H said...

Val Kilmer.... I'm with you... I don't like him AT ALL. Great your migraine is gone.