Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day and a Wedding!

Hi All!

Happy Valentine's Day!

As I was walking I saw this door all dolled up for the holiday!
Somehow it made me feel peppier as I was walking by!
Not that I was feeling bad this morning - this is what greeted me as I set out on my morning walk. A lovely sunrise!

I also spied some Cedar Waxwings gathering in a neighborhood treetop. I wish I had a better zoom on my "purse camera" but you can't have everything, can you?

This weekend, Hubby and I went to the wedding of one of his co-workers.
It was an interesting evening for us since it was a Vietnamese wedding reception and, of course, we aren't Vietnamese! We were lucky to sit with other people Hubby works with as well as five wonderful young Vietnamese people who helped us figure out what was being said and what we were eating.
The food was wonderful - well, the tempura lobster wasn't that wonderful because they just tempuraed the shell and all so you sometimes got a bite that was nothing but shell - and the reception was lovely. My only complaint was that the music was LOUD! Apparently, the volume isn't unusual for Vietnamese receptions because we were the only ones (we being the people who work with Hubby and wives, etc.) who seemed to think the music was too loud.

Hubby and I did dance (the sister of the groom took our picture!) and the music was a bit softer closer to the stage. Oh - the band was a Vietnamese band and they sang probably 90% in Vietnamese. It was interesting.
Overall, I would say that we had a good time!
Today it will be off to Speech (hope things are still doing well but I know my neck will be hurting for a while after the appointment because Susan will have to loosen things up!) and then maybe some time at the lab . . . doesn't that sound exciting?
Voice Update: Doing good even though talking at the wedding (over the loud music) did set me back a twidge!


Chris H said...

Is Valentines Day an actual day of work type of holiday over there? It isn't here.
YOu and the hubby look lovely at the wedding.

Unknown said...

Aw, Trisha you look so pretty in the wedding pics!! :)