Friday, April 17, 2009

Finishing the Foundation

Hi All!

Well, the foundation work is over. I had to miss the last part of the fun since I had to go to class and get the whole play thing out of the way. I will tell you more about that later but now I want to finish up the whole foundation thing.

Hubby was in charge of the camera while I was gone and he really tried. He did get some good shots.

Here they actually had a guy standing on top of the machine which screws the piers into place. Apparently, they needed all the weight on it that they could get. Doesn't it look like fun?

These are the jacks they put into the holes to actually lift the house. There were two jacks in each hole - so 22 jacks. Hubby said that during the lift there was a man in each hole tending the jacks. That would have been interesting to see.

Another part of the whole thing was that they installed root barriers around the trees to try to prevent the roots from infiltrating the foundation. I am not totally convinced that they are really needed but . . .
Doesn't this look like a LOT of fun to you? All of that digging in our "nice" clay soil has to be a pain - literally!

Here is what our front beds look like after the whole thing is finished. We plan on getting rid of more of the front shrubs and planting new shrubs. FEWER new shrubs!

I am just thankful that it is all done. Hubby had a good time watching everything happen even though he actually got a sunburn from standing outside all day. Poor baby!
A brief mention of the play . . . I will talk more in detail tomorrow. Maybe. Or maybe I will just forget the entire thing!
The play went VERY well. We were all pleased that we got through the play and did a good job. The other students in the class understood what was going on (thankfully) and so did the teacher (most importantly!). We got full point for the play . . . but so did everyone else! We were discussing if we would have done all this work if we had known that everyone - no matter how good the play was - got full points. We decided that we probably would have. Oh Well!
I'm an just thrilled that it is all over and now I can "relax" back into the routine of the other work I have to do!
Voice Update: My voice is doing well. Susan really worked it out. I have some crunch left but a very small amount which I am sure I can work out. Susan told me that I need to not be stressed because it hurts my voice. Okay . .. but just HOW do you manage that?


Anonymous said...

Love the rest of the pictures!

On the voice/stress thing, I think it's the same thing as anxiety and asthma. Hard to do sometimes but oh so true! Have a great day!

Mental P Mama said...

I think it is amazing that you can do this with a foundation! Have a wonderful weekend;)

Chris H said...

All the photos are neat to see! IT makes it 'real' ...
Root barriers are a great idea girl! The last thing you want is to have spent all that money fixing the foundations to then have tree roots ruin it again!

noble pig said...

Okay that is really amazing they can do that...I mean wow.