I am FINALLY done with this book! It took me a month - yes, I know that might not seem like a big deal but, you have to understand that I normally read about a book a week or more! This one, a classic, was a bit of a slog to get through - no offense to Ms. Austen!
You see, I got a big box of books from my grandpa's house which had been my grandmother's books. I am reading my way through the pile of books. My husband in thrilled because I don't have to buy any new books for a long time - there are a LOT of books. For the most part, the books are enjoyable. They are mostly set in the Victorian era or around there - not my normal reading choice these days - and are a bit old - but still pretty good.
I was whipping through the pile until I got to this one . . . it really slowed me down but , I AM DONE, I AM DONE, I AM DONE! Now I can move on to other books which will hopefully be a bit faster!
About two months ago (Has it been that long? It might have only been a month ago!) my husband got a Wii game system. I know it might sound odd for a couple with no children to own a Wii but, it is fun! We had played a few games on a Wii when we visited my friend Jill and her husband, David, over Christmas. They have two young sons which explains why THEY have a Wii. Well - we had so much fun that my husband decided to look around for one. Of course they were impossible to find because the stocks were depleted over the holidays. Luckily, a friend from my husband's work found some at a Cost Co and bought one for my dear hubby and one for another friend at work. So, long story a bit shorter, we have a Wii!
Bowling is currently our favorite Wii activity but lately I have tried out tennis and, last night, boxing. I must say that for a video game, I really worked up a good sweat playing tennis (I lost) and boxing (I won!). It might be a good thing for me to play this darn game daily to get in some aerobic exercise in addition to walking every morning! Who would have ever thought that a video game would make you sweat?
Now Wii is apparently coming out with a fitness component aimed at people like me who want to workout in a fun way. I haven't really researched the thing yet but . . . my birthday is coming up. I am torn between the fintess thing - which would be good for me - and guitar hero - which is only fun!
Yesterday I went to my speech therapist. I only go every other week now because my voice is doing so well. Those are words I didn't think I would ever say less than a year ago! I am happy that Susan - my speech therapist - still thinks my voice is doing really well. She did say that I am pushing a bit too much to get more volume - a problem I seem to have a hard time geting over. She wants me to use my microphone more often but as I don't work I never really have an occasion to use it. Pretty much the only place I am around a group of people is at Sign Language class and we certainly don't use our voices much there!
I am continuing to do vocal exercises - inhale "e's," Inhale/exhale "e's" matching the pitches, massaging my larnyx, reading out loud for at least two half hour sessions a day. The best place to do the whole massaging thing is during commercials while I watch tv or at stop lights when I am driving to class. The other things I do as I drive or putter around the house. I suppose I sound like a total loon but . . . my husband and kitties are used to it by now!
I am hoping that by continuing these exercises my voice will stick around for a long time as it is - which is a LOT better than where I was even six months ago! Thank God!
Isn't it interesting how different people's voices with SD can be? I've listened to you on your podcast and your voice is lilting and melodic but with very little volume. You can read out loud for two half hour sessions a day? Wow. I can't hardly get through two sentences!
I can yell here and there but... well, for example, I can yell for my kids when the phone is for them. I can usually get enough volume to yell their name 2 or 3 times, but that is it. I usually end up having to bang on the wall. I try to yell at them when I am mad but I lose parts of words and then I get frustrated and they laugh at me. I guess I would think it was funny too from their perspective... but from mine, I hate it.
I do find it very interesting that people with the same vocal disorder - Spasmodic Dysphonia - and the same type - be it Adductor or ABductor - can sound totally different. It is weird!
I didn't just start reading for half an hour a day out of the starting gate. I started with five minutes - which was a HUGE struggle for me. I gradually built up minute by torturous minute until I could do about 45 minutes. Now I can actually do much more than that but I don't normally because it tires my voice out pretty quickly. I only read for that long out loud when I really get into what I am reading and then I forget about the clock!
I am jealous that you can yell. I have tried in every situation I can think of. My speech therapist and I have worked on it and - nada! No matter what I do - taking a deep breath, etc, - I can't yell or scream. That is good news for my hubby when I get mad at him!
I say get a big whistle to get your kids' attention. That would be just annoying enough that it might work!
I have a bell. According to them, it has different rings and they can't tell when I am irritated by how I ring it. I bang on the wall more though because I'm lazy and don't go get the bell. I suppose I could wear a whistle around my neck... I can just see my husbands face if i started usuing a whistle! I don't think he'd care for it at all.
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