The new flowerbed.
Hi All!
I am going to the Cheese Cake Factory for dinner! Yeah! If you have never eaten at a Cheesecake Factory (Is that two or three words anyway??), you are really missing out! It is a chain with super food and heavenly cheesecake! My personal favorite is the pumpkin but, they only carry that flavor around Thanksgiving so I don't get it too often. In fact, the last time I went to the restaurant around Thanksgiving (it was a week after the holiday) they were OUT of the pumpkin!!! The menu said they carried it until the beginning of the year - they lied! Oh well - I forgive them because the peanut butter truffle cheesecake is good too.
My anger from yesterday - which was totally not like me - is pretty much gone. It helped that I worked on a new flowerbed pretty much all afternoon. Our soil is made up primarily of clay so it is tough to dig and then has to be mixed with soil to make things grow. That took a lot of energy and helped with whatever frustrations I was feeling. By the time my husband came home, I felt much better. It also helped that he made dinner (stuffed shells, green beans, and french bread baked with the shells) and suggested Cheesecake Factory for tonight! I have a wonderful husband -have I mentioned that?
When I was going through the initial stages of SD - having absolutely no voice and not knowing why, going to all of the doctors and therapists and having cameras threaded down my nose, all of that FUN stuff - I was a little nervous about how my hubby would react. After all, he married a woman who LOVED to talk and who was very social. In fact, when we went to HIS work events, I was the one who did most of the talking - not him! I did a fair share of public speaking and loved meeting new people. Then, suddenly, I couldn't do any of that. I couldn't talk at all, let alone in social situations which were a bit noisy! I couldn't talk on the phone at all.
My husband found himself thrust into the position of the family spokesman. He had to do all of the talking - from ordering for me in restaurants to making doctor's appointments on the phone. For a man who is pretty shy - this had to have been terrifying and difficult. This was NOT what he "signed on for" when he married me!
While he stepped up very admirably and even came out of his shell a bit, he wasn't always too happy about things. One night when we were in bed - one of the few places we could really talk because we were close together and it was quite - he told me how angry he was that I was changing our life. I was devastated! I was sure he would leave me.
Luckily, he didn't and he has adjusted fairly well to the whole "non-talking wife" issue. He has heard his share of the "You have what every man wishes for - a silent wife." jokes and has been frustrated with trying to talk to me in Wal Mart - which is very noisy! He has gotten used to me wearing a microphone around and doing all kinds of weird sounding vocal exercises. Lately, he has even accepted the fact that this is an incurable disorder and that I will struggle with it for the rest of my life.
All of this on top of the fact that he cleans and cooks (not ALL the time on the cooking but he does cook two times a week when I am at class) and takes care of the cats and takes care of me! I love my husband and thank God everyday that I have him.
Now if he would clean up the rest of the garage . . .
You left a comment on my LiveJournal at http://angelus49.livejournal.com Anyway, you inspired me to have just a separate blog for spasmodic dysphonia stuff, as my LiveJournal has been a general blog since the beginning of time. I'll transfer some stuff from my LiveJournal over here at some point. It'll sure make it easier than trying to go through years of information on my LiveJournal, and it'll be in one place for others who, like you, want to find other SD bloggers :).
So, my SD blog is http://whisperedsound.blogspot.com
I look forward to talking to you more! My doctors (from University of Wisconsin, which is the place to go around here if you have an exceptional medical concern) said that they have only treated one other person with ABSD, so it's great to meet someone else who has the same type.
Thank you for your comment! It is good to know that someone has actually read my blog!
I know what it is like to feel like you are the only one with AB while all the others have AD. Luckily, I go to a speech therapist who is well known as a specialist in SD. She has three other patients with AB also and I have met two of them. It is super knowing that there are more of us out there!
I will have to give your new blog a read and add it to my blogroll!
I probably wouldn't have known about your blog if you hadn't linked it on my LiveJournal :). It's been a long time since I sought out others with spasmodic dysphonia. When I found out what I had in 2005, I found some message boards where people talked about it, and then later I did find lots of discussion about Scott Adams and his case of spasmodic dysphonia. But other than that, I really didn't find a whole lot.
It's actually amazing that with as little information that there was about it at the time that I was able to find out what I had and actually tell my doctors what I had. I looked up my symptoms, found some things that sounded like what I had, and eventually I found the dysphonia.org website, where I really discovered that it was identical. A diagnosis by multiple doctors later confirmed it.
ooooh!!! You got another commenter! I am going to have to go check arwyn out!
I often think about how my having SD has affected the rest of my family. It changes so many things that others don't really realize... like they can't just holler a question from another room.
I can talk on the phone with people that know me and are used to hearing me, but I have terrible trouble trying to make appointments or call anywhere for information. In fact, I've answered the phone in my own house and been hung up on.
Great job on the garden!
I went online yesterday and investigated some blogs with SD in then. I made comments on several -Arwyn is one of them - and I hope to find more bloggers out there who share our common "SD" experiences!
I understand about people not being able to holler at you from the other room. Well - they can but you can't answer! Over Christmas I went to Ohio to visit family and this was an issue - they had to figure out that they could ask me questions from the other room but had to wait until I pysically got to the room they were in for an answer! It took them a while to adjust!
I am going to do a post on my amplified phone - which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! It really helps me conquer the fear of the phone! I too have had the problem of people hanging up on me when THEY called ME in the first place!
Thanks for the compliment on the garden - I think it will be great. However, I am paying for it today with an allergy attack. I NEVER had allergies until I moved to Texas!
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