Hi All!
I don't know about you and how your Alma mater works but my college sends me a nice little magazine every once in a while (who knows how often - it just shows up!). The magazine tells about new things happening at the college, student news, financial information (usually asking for more money of course!), and alumni news. I always enjoy perusing the information and marveling at how much the place has changed since I was a student there! All of the new buildings are amazing since the college is a tiny little thing. Well, I guess it is expanding now!
Anyway - I like reading the alumni news section to see what is happening to people who I might have known in college. There are short little blurbs about new jobs, new children, new marriages, etc. I ponder each entry and think about the person as I knew him/her in college. It is a fun little "time machine" trip each time the magazine comes!
There is one part of the magazine that gives me a little twinge though. At the end there is a form for updating information. You can send in information for a future magazine and have your very own little blurb! Well, I look at that form and I think - it would be nice to let people know what I am up to. Then again - I am really not up to anything! I don't have a job so I can't include information about that and there are no awards anywhere on my horizon so that section is shot too. We haven't moved so there is no new address (not even a new email address!). I don't even have children to brag about! There is an "other" section but - what am I going to say? I am unemployed and vocally impaired? Who would want to hear about that?
I envy the people who have things to share! At least I can share with you!
How about...
The ever fabulous TMK was dealt a crushing blow but has risen from the ashes of an Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia diagnosis and is blazing a trail through space via the World Wide Web in an effort to educate the masses through her podcasts and fantabulous blog! Each day, new people are learning a little bit more about this devastating and often debilitating condition! She is a wonderful example of someone who, though knocked to the floor, gets up and reaches out to others!
AND... she's made this fellow SD'er feel much better!
YOU are fAnTaBuLoUs AND YOU are accomplishing MUCH in YOUR life!
I love you! I think our mutual admiration society is really helping me a lot!
Reading your post really made my day!
Both you and Coffee Bean have been an inspiration to me. I am SO GLAD you both have done the blog thing because it is helping me AND I am sure you are helping others as well.
Please keep up the good work. Trisha, I like what Coffee Bean wrote. She is definitely a talented writer.
I'm new to this blog comment stuff - bear with me if I stumble through it 'cause I'm not sure what I'm doing.
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