Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm Ready!

Hi All!

Well, the support group meeting for people with SD is today. I was up WAY too late last night getting ready. For some reason, I am nervous about this meeting. I don't know why.

There will be nice snacks - I baked mini chocolate chip cookies and mini peanut butter cookies (be proud of me - I didn't sample any since I gave up sweets for Lent!), I cut up three kinds of cheese and got out the Ritz crackers for a cheese plate (for those who gave up sweets for Lent!), and even bought a bag of Chex Mix for those who like munchies. There is a case of water out in my car just waiting to be lugged into the meeting room.

Lists of upcoming events are printed with neat little note paper on the flip side - the note side has the SD icon I use with the name of the support group and the date and then room for notes. Extra business cards - mine - are printed and ready to go.

My Spokeman personal amplification system is charged up and ready. My camera is sitting next to my stuff to be taken to the meeting.

Everything I can think of is ready. So . . . why am I nervous?


Voice Update: Still doing well. The crunchiness is still around a bit in my throat but it is getting better every day. I still don't feel like talking - must be one of those "moods" I get into now and again. Talking just is a pain so I don't want to do it. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

I don't know why you're nervous. You sound remarkably prepared!

Go get 'um, girl!

imbeingheldhostage said...

You BAKED after giving up sweets for lent? Wow, you are strong. I would've lost it at the raw dough stage :_)

I hope the meeting goes well and you relax and enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Because it's natural to be nervous! Good luck.

Chris H said...

I hope your meeting went well mate. Why did you feel so nervous anyway?