Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally Friday!

Hi All!

Has this week lasted forever or is it just me? On Tuesday I was positive it was Thursday and yesterday I kept thinking it was the 28th instead of the 26th! Last night I got home early because my Deaf Culture teacher had strep and dismissed class early. As soon as I was home I felt like flopping into bed and snoozing.

However, I couldn't fall asleep because Hubby was calling me from Lubbock to let me know when to pick him up at the airport today. So I listened to some podcasts, played some solitaire on my iPod while trying to keep my eyelids from drooping.

What a week!

Lent has started. Normally, I don't give up things because I never have the willpower to keep my resolve. This year I am giving it a go and giving up sweets. It has been two complete days and part of a third and so far, so good! It doesn't seem like much of a victory but for me - it is wonderful! It will be interesting to see how long I can do this. I am determined to go all the way!

Do you give up anything during Lent?


Voice Update: Still plugging away at making the crunchiness go away. It isn't too bad but I just don't feel too much like talking. That could be a problem when the next meeting of the North Texas SD Support Group is tomorrow! By the way - if anyone is reading this and has SD in the DFW area, contact me if you are interested in attending the meeting tomorrow from 1:00 - 3:00.


Anonymous said...

I gave up dairy. Dairy is not my friend anyway... but, I'm a glutton for punishment. I love cheese. Did I tell you I love cheese? I do. I loooooove cheese.


Anonymous said...

I was raised Catholic but no longer practice so no I don't but I do like to give back instead during this time.

Flea said...

Chica, where are you in DFW? I'm going to be driving through in a couple of weeks.