Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Presentation . . . Complete!

Hi All!

Thank you all for your good wishes. I am feeling much better today after a good night's sleep only interrupted by two annoying kitties. Hubby just trotted out the door to have blood drawn for his doctor's appointment next week, the kitties are fed, I have a nice glass of orange juice on the desk and I am ready to blog!

After a long weekend of waiting, I FINALLY got my presentation for ASL 3 done. In fact, despite feeling rather bad, I volunteered to go first! A few times I was corrected by the teacher but he does it so nicely - compared to last semester's teacher - that I don't mind his corrections at all. About halfway through my presentation, my teacher's evaluator came into the room with an interpreter. It is very, very weird to be signing and have someone in the room voicing, albeit in a whisper, what you are signing. Strange! At least I didn't have any embarrassing topics to sign about. One poor woman had to sign about the prevention of AIDS and condoms and sex. She was NOT comfortable doing that with the evaluator in the room!

Anyway, I think that I did pretty well. Some of the other students said that I sign fast but I couldn't get them to tell me if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Oh well. The teacher, Henry (who is also the head of the ASL department, by the way) had a few things to correct at the end of the presentation but over-all I am relieved. The only bad thing is that because this was out first presentation, Henry said he would give everyone an a. So- how am I supposed to know how I did? At least now I won't be so nervous about presenting in front of the class and Henry!

In addition to the presentation, I also turned in a video of myself signing a magazine article. My article was about the increase in the population of wild turkeys (really!) and how they are starting to cause problems by entering suburban areas. These turkeys are huge - they can stand 4 feet tall - and can be very dangerous since they can peck and get you with their feet as well. In fact, one family has a hole in their door (a small one) where turkeys have pecked their way through!

Now, I HATE videoing myself but it is a requirement for fingerspelling class. I turned in the turkey article and got back the first video I turned in - twenty sentences with numbers and fingerspellings. Worth a total of twenty points, I got a nineteen. Not too bad! It seemed like a lot of work for only twenty points but who am I to quibble?

The college bookstore FINALLY got the last two books I needed in stock! I bought them for a ridiculously high price but by now I was willing to pay almost anything to get the darn things! Now I can do my homework! YEAH!

Last night Hubby bought a chicken and sides from Boston Market for dinner and had it waiting for me when I got home. If you haven't tried "the Market," you should. The chicken was moist and flavorful and the sides . .. well, you can never go wrong with mashed potatoes in my book. Besides, Hubby and I met at "the Market!"

It was a pretty good day despite the whole stomach issue. Of course, we did have a tense moment or two when it looked like a tornado might be headed out way. Hubby and I gathered the kitties and took shelter in our closet under the stairs for about half an hour. While not the most fun thing I have ever done it did give me a chance to play with the crank powered radio! We also formulated a better plan on just how to get kitties into the closet if and when we ever need to take shelter again.

Luckily, the tornado, if there was one, didn't come into our area and we only got some torrential rain and strong winds out of the whole thing. I know some people in southern Oklahoma got hit with tornadoes as well as some people in other parts of Texas. I hope they are doing well today.


Voice Update: My throat is a bit "crunch" again and that is never a good sign but I persist with the massage so hopefully, that will help. My voice is good with hardly any pauses or misses. I did have some problems in Deaf Culture class when everyone was talking in groups and a member of my group needed me to repeat something. Darn!


Mental P Mama said...

Brava! And I'm glad you are safe from those storms!

Anonymous said...

Did you get any of the hail? We had dime or pea sized hail for about ten minutes. All over the roof we just had replaced from last year's storm. Typical, no?

Congrats on finishing the project.

Anonymous said...

Turkeys. They took over a cemetary in my town and chase people who come here away. One of the Tom's jumped on the mailman's back and severley injured him.

So scary.