As I am sure you are aware if you are a regular reader of my blog (I think there are a few of you out there!), I recently spent two weeks on a cruise to Alaska. Well, in all honestly, Hubby and I really spent twelve days ON the cruise and two days trying to catch up with the ship!
Why, you might ask? Well . . . you see there was a storm in Dallas on the morning we were flying out to catch the ship in Seattle. When I say storm, I really mean "huge, amazingly violent. seemingly never-ending downpour spiked with lightening and loud rolls of thunder." This storm started early in the morning. We had such "fun" getting out luggage out of the car and into the shuttle bus in the downpour. NOT!
Anyway, the storm caused the airport to be closed for SIX hours.
Our original flight was supposed to get us into Seattle three hours BEFORE the ship left. Add a six hour delay and we got to Seattle three hours AFTER the ship left. Let's just say we were not exactly "happy campers!"
We decided that since the cruise was 14 days, it was worth it to try to catch the ship at the first port - Ketchikan, Alaska. The Alaskan Airline people were very, very nice as they helped us book a flight up there for the following morning (we couldn't get our act together to make the last flight of the day which left 20 minutes from the time we found Alaskan Airlines!).
A flight the next morning meant we got to find a hotel for the evening in Seattle. Our priority in the search wasn't comfort or price - it was who had an airport shuttle to get us first to the hotel and then back to the airport the next morning. After finding a hotel, our next priority was food.
We looked through a book of menus at the hotel and took the hotel shuttle to Dave's Diner.
That is how we spent the first night of our vacation - which we were supposed to be spending on the cruise ship! Luckily, Hubby decided to try (with the emphasis on TRY) to view this as an adventure and NOT a disaster. It helped to keep things a little less stressed for both of us!
I will continue with vacation stuff tomorrow - I hope I don't bore you too badly!
I was sad to realize that I missed meeting up with Asthmagirl while I was in Seattle. We were going to try to meet up when we returned from the cruise but things were too crazy and so I totally forgot (sorry!)
In other news: I am getting ready for a Spasmodic Dysphonia Support Group meeting today. I hope that a bunch of people show up. Dr. Mau from the UT Southwestern Medical Center is coming to speak. He is a doctor who does Botox injections for people with SD. My co-leader, Lori, is out of town due to the fact that her mother isn't doing well (she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer) so I am on my own! **Gulp!** Tomorrow or Monday I will fill you in on how it went!
Also, I just found out that L, the receptionist/secretary at my speech therapist's office has to have surgery next week. Apparently, they found new cancerous tumors which they are going to remove. Not good. I will be going in to the office to help cover for her while she is out.
What a week!
Voice Update: Well, it is doing pretty darn well considering that I skipped two weeks of massage and didn't do a whole lot of exercises either. I am not yet back on the "band wagon" so to speak. Hopefully once my schedule returns to normal I will get it all together.
Sounds like an adventure already! Can't wait to hear the rest!
I was sad to have missed you while you were here over night. Not that we planned it, but I hate to miss an opportunity to meet another blogger!
Glad you enjoyed Daves Diner!
I'm looking forward to all your vacation photos.. I'm hoping to see an iceberg!
How sad about the receptionist, I hope she gets better.
You got rain? I'm so jealous!
I'm going to be in Dallas on Monday night, having breakfast at the IHOP in Plano Tuesday morning with a blogger I've yet to meet. Interested in joining?
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