Do you remember when I told you that I am "taking care of" a flowerbed in the neighborhood? What I do is deadhead the Coreopsis so that they bloom again. You know - these things . . .

What? ANOTHER flowerbed? Sure enough, right on the other end of the rather large island was another flowerbed with more Coreopsis plants! How did I miss this when I was walking? I guess I just didn't look over there. Talk about being narrow minded! In this case I guess I was narrow sighted!
Anyway, I have now begun deadheading in the second flowerbed, too. I was thrilled when I looked this morning and the plant had lots of new buds on them. About two days ago they were nothing but dead flowers!
Those buds put me in a good mood yesterday morning. That mood was heightened further by my visit to the Deaf Action Center. My friend Tricia met me there and we had a good time visiting with people. One guy was a political refugee from Iran! Interesting stuff!
I stopped at the grocery store on my way home and picked up a few things. Then I headed home with all kinds of thoughts about dinner in my mind. I had decided to make beef quesadillas from my own recipe (which means I basically winged it!
Anyway, I started dinner (after Hubby was home) and while it was in the oven I chopped tomatoes and lettuce for the topping and prepared two pretty looking fruit bowls. Satisfied, I played the piano for a while as I was waiting.
Just before the food was ready, I went back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up and found that the garbage disposal was dead. Well, it would give a faint whine and then . . . nothing. Hmmm. I figured it was probably jammed but wanted to wait for Hubby so he could fix it. I just wasn't in the mood.
In came Hubby and I told him the news. He immediately said, "What did you do to it?"
What? Is it just me or does that question seem a bit loaded? What did I do to it? I tried to turn it on and . . . nothing. I didn't do anything to it! It frustrates me because whenever something goes wrong which I need to point out to Hubby, it automatically becomes my fault.
And I was doing so well!
***Editor's note: Hubby is a WONDERFUL man. He is loved and cherished but . . . when he blames me for things I couldn't possibly be responsible for . . . it irks me! I am just venting today!
Skor Update: I think he is getting the picture. He is really doing well with the not massaging the face thing. The not eating earrings seems to be a bit harder for him to grasp. I think that is his "last resort" attention getting behavior and he is not too happy about giving it up! We will keep working on it!
Voice Update: I read out loud again yesterday and did massage. My voice is really pretty darn good. My SD funk is SLOWLY lifting. It is still lingering around but since I have to do more work to get the support group meeting on the 27th organized, I can't ignore it like I would like. I guess that is a good thing!
**8 Editor's Note: Hey - what is up with this little guy? He seems to be tagging along on my blog!
I hate the demise of the appliances...and yes, it's always our fault.
yikes... you just made me realize that while I am in here on the computer, there are loads of flowers that need tending.
And for giggles, next time you have to tell the hubby something's wrong with the disposal, drop a stuffed toy down there first with a note that says "I didn't do it!". That'll get his attention :-)
We replaced a couple of disposals before someone showed us how to fix them. There's a little nut or bolt on the bottom, under the sink, that requires an allen wrench. Just loosen it or tighten it. Or something. And it should be good as new!
I would have said: " I put your golf gloves in there" how would that do?
I 'wing' almost everything I cook! Recipe books stay in the cupboard ....
Men... mine is like that too!
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