Saturday, June 21, 2008

Alakan Adventure

Hi All!

Congratulations to Arwyn who correctly placed our cruise in Alaska. Yes, we were in Ketchican but we have also been to Skagway, Valdez, Seward, and Kokiak. Right now we are cruising on our way to Juneau and Sitka.

So far it has been a pretty nice cruise. Our tour in Valdez was a bust - I don't know how they can charge as much as they do for what we got! However, we did get to spend time in the Sealife Center in Seward which was fascinating! Did you know that Puffins actually "fly" through the water when they swim? They flap their wings to propel themselves through the water. Very neat to watch- very difficult to catch on film. I do have some pictures of the sea lion (an IMMENSE beast) and the seals to show you when I get home.

We had had two King Crab leg lunches - one in Seward and one in Kodiak - which were fabulous. Of course I did come away from the lunch in Kodiak with some battle scars from the crab. Those things are spiky!

We saw bald eagles while eating in Kodiak and the babies are big things! It was very neat to see them so close. I got within ten feet or so of a baby before he flew away.

Hubby won a Sudoku contest on the ship. We have done another load of laundry in the ship Laundromat while hanging out with the "dirty clothes crowd." We have eaten a LOT of great food - and some okay food but, on a cruise - you HAVE to eat!

Tomorrow we will be in Juneau and then it is off to Skagway. We will also visit Victoria, British Columbia before returning to Vancouver to end our adventure.

Thank you for staying with me despite my irregular posting schedule while on vacation. I hope you are all doing well.

P.S. Arwyn- I will get in touch with you about where to send your prize when I get home.

Voice Update: My voice is doing really well in general. Today it is a bit weaker due to some stress in my life but it still isn't' too bad - just cutting out on me now and then. I have been trying to do my massage but have been horrible about the vocal exercises. I have done some reading out loud but not enough. Then again - I AM on vacation, right?

1 comment:

Arwyn Y. said...


My aunt and uncle love to take cruises in Alaska. The last trip was a few years back, I think, but they have fun. Sounds like you are, too :).