Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So Sleepy!

Hi All!

As I write this I am having trouble keeping my leaden eyelids open enough to see the computer screen! I am sooooo sleepy! This is a bit ironic because while I have a lot of trouble sleeping, I actually slept pretty well last night. Of course I did wake up when my kitty, Q-Tip came in to visit and when my other kittie, Miss Cleo came in to say "hi!" And I woke up when Hubby's alarm went off, and when it went off again after he snoozed it. So, why in the world would I be sleepy?

Hubby very gallantly takes all the blame by saying that it is his fault for keeping me awake until 11:00 or later every night. He doesn't mention the fact that he is the reason for my wake up time in the morning but . . . he can't be perfect all of the time!

I am one of those people who honestly need at least eight hours of sleep to be functional for very long. Yes, I can- and do - push through when I don't get that much sleep but . . . I am not at my very best! When I was teaching, Hubby and I would argue pretty regularly about bedtime. Eventually, we came to a grudging (on his part) agreement. During the week we would try to be in bed by 9:30 (I know - we were like old people) with the tv off no later than 10:00. Of course those were the days I got up at 5:30 to get ready for work.

Anyway - as I yawn and struggle to stay awake, I realize that today I can take a nap! I don't have speech today and my hair appointment isn't until 2:30! YEAH!

I am off to my comfy bed for a little snooze!


Voice update (I almost forgot): A little weak today but not too bad. I did some additional inhalation voicing last night and also did my favorite exercise - cyclical reading (where I read on the inhale and exhale in alternate turns. It is neat because you don't have to stop for breath because you are talking on the inhale too! Reminds me of the Australian diggery-do.). I massaged my larynx today while I walked and there are some really sore spots on it. Proof that I have been pushing too hard lately. Bad Trisha! At least today I will be able to rest my voice a bit.

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