Wednesday, April 16, 2008

World Voice Day

Hi All!

Happy World Voice Day! I did a podcast and tried to link it directly to this site but . . . not so good! If you would like to listen to my podcast, go to the link at the top of the blog or go to Learning To Live With SD.

What is World Voice Day you might ask? It is a day created to help people learn how to take care of their voices and to raise awareness of vocal disorders (like Spasmodic Dysphonia???).

Many people are in professions where they rely heavily on their voices - teachers, clergy, salespeople, receptionists, courtroom attorneys, telemarketers, and politicians. These people (and more) use their voices constantly and most don't think about vocal health until something goes wrong with their voice. They might push their voice through periods of hoarseness and abuse their voices by talking for long stretches of time, letting their chords get dehydrated, and talking loudly to compensate for background noise. All of these things can contribute to vocal problems.

The American Academy of Otolarnygology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation has created several fact sheets to educate people about how to take care of their voices, how the voice works, and vocal health at every age. You can find this information at and then click on "Patients."

Take it from someone who knows what it is like to not have a voice - you don't want to hurt your voice! Take a minute and investigate the information on how to take care of your voice!


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