Saturday, April 26, 2008

God Bless the Cold Front!

Hi All!

Yes, I live in Texas and can't stand the heat in the summer! Usually our summer begins in April or May and lasts until about October. It gets hot and humid and totally yucky! Every time you walk outside, you get sweaty and gross.

I know there are people who enjoy the heat (I think the heat has melted something in their brains) but, really - 90+ degrees all summer???? Whose idea of a good time is that?

It was edging up to those summer temps here lately with days in the mid 80s - which I think it too warm for April! Luckily, the mornings when I walk were still pretty cool and breezy and the evenings were cooler. However, yesterday a cold front wafted through our fine state leaving the humidity near zero and the temps over night in the mid 50's. Heaven! The windows were open last evening and our evening golf ball searching walk was very pleasant. That is the kind of weather I want to experience instead of the Texas summer!!

Well - my voice took a southward turn last night. Nothing too major - just more difficulty with those darn "unvoiced" consonant sounds - h, w, p, etc. I was good in the morning when I was reading out loud. Then, Hubby came home and it seemed like the voice demons hit! Suddenly I was sounding like the TV when the audio blips in and out. Parts of words were missing and no matter how much I tried - they didn't come out! Of course - I could hear my speech therapist in my head telling me to talk quieter and to not push so hard. So, for once, I took her advice. I cut the volume back to the barely audible range and was able to voice those darn sounds. Of course the lack of volume made golf ball searching on the course interesting. If Hubby and I got more than three feet apart - forget conversation. It was back to the whistling signals when I found a ball for him to pick up. What fun.

Needless to say - the whole voice set back made me a bit sad. Then again- I was a bit sad before I tested out my voice with Hubby and realized it was going down. I am not sure why - probably work worries combined with watching Grey's Anatomy (a new episode from Thursday which I Tivo'ed. I LOVE the show but it always seems to leave me feeling a bit "down."). Luckily, the walk and golf ball search helped lift my spirits because of the coolness of the evening.

Also - being with Hubby helped like it always does!



Anonymous said...

It is hard for me when my voice gets worse after a bit of being a bit better. I never have a good voice anymore but there are definitely levels. I always worry that I'm just going down another level and that it isn't just a fluctuation in which I will imporve a bit again. It sucks.

Well, I hope y'all have a nice weekend and that the weather stays cool for ya!

Arwyn Y. said...

Sure, I'll talk to your friend :). Just send me her email and I'll get in touch with her.