Do you remember when Skor got into my piano and cut one of his front feet and one of his back feet? We had quite a struggle keeping him from licking the things and getting them messed up. We had this lovely cone . . .

Yes, Skor was really happy that he didn't have to endure the cone any more!
However . . . . things can change in an instant!
This week I had noticed that Skor was licking his right front paw a little more than normal and I tried to get a look at it but . . . Skor would have nothing to do with that! Plus, I was working so I didn't have as much time as normal to get a glimpse of the offending foot.
Then, I noticed that Skor's breath was NASTY! I know cat breath is never very good but this was just plain horrible! Hubby even noticed. I also thought Skor's feet smelled but assumed it was because he licks his feet with his smelly tongue.
Yesterday I was enjoying my time off with both kitties snuggled up in bed with me. A very unusual event and I was determined to try to make it last as long as possible. However, it was not too long into the "love fest" that I saw it.
Skor was licking his paw - again - and I saw it.
The pad of his paw was red and swollen and the fur around it was nasty - like dried blood.
Well, that sort of ruined snuggle time for me. Oh, I still stayed there and petted both kitties but I was thinking about what I needed to do. I needed to get a good look at that foot. Skor, however, was still determined that I not look at it.
When Miss Cleo finally decided to go sleep in the sun, I made my move. I snatched Skor up and got a glimpse of that foot. EEEEWWWW! It looked bad.
We went into the bathroom where I attempted to clean the thing off and get a better look at it!
Then I called the vet and made an appointment for that day. He told me what I already knew - that Skor had a cut on his pad and it was infected. He cleaned out the foot and put on antibiotic spray (which I had taken with me from the last foot incident). Then I got the lovely antibiotics that I "get" to shoot down Skor's throat two times a day. Fun, fun.
And Skor . . . well . . . he got this . ..
Poor thing but the eating pic just cracked me up.
Teddy sends his love to Skor... Teddy knows ALL ABOUT those darn collars!
Hope Skor is all better sooon.
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