Well, I am being brave today and trying for some more pictures. This time they are from around the ship, the Pacific Princess.
During dinner on one of the nights close to the end of the cruise, some of the dining room staff entertained the passengers with a fun medley of songs.
This is Teodorico, our assistant waiter. He is showing off the baked Alaska on the last formal night. I LOVE this dessert! Teodorico was always smiling.

SOFT. I DECIDE SLEEP HERE AT NIGHT! (This is the love seat in our room. Not the most comfortable thing in the world but the two feather pillows were nice. I read here many times while waiting to go places.)

That is all of the pictures for today. More will be forthcoming when I decide to deal with Blogger. Actually, today all of the picture loading went very smoothly. I guess it is only when I am pressed for time that Blogger acts up!
Yesterday I worked for about four and a half hours. I was the only person in the office! Three of the therapists are on vacation and the other took Monday off! I got a lot of work done since it was so quiet but then decided to take off a bit early to get some grocery shopping done, oh joy of joys!
Do you like grocery shopping? I am not a real big fan. To be honest, it isn't the actual shopping that I don't like - even though it IS frustrating when people stop in the middle of the aisle and you can't get by and when they barge out of aisle without looking and then glare at YOU because they almost hit you! However, the actual shopping is sort of fun - a scavenger hunt of sorts. Looking for the right product with the best expiration dates and for the least amount of money.
Checking out . . . not as much fun as shopping. Why? Good question! Checking out isn't too much fun because, normally, the store has five express lanes open (four of which are the self-check out lanes) and only one "regular" lane open. That means that there is pretty much always a line in the "regular" lane. Not that a line is all bad - it does give me time to catch up on my tabloid headline reading. Some interesting stuff is on those rags!
Loading stuff in the car and then unloading at home . . . THIS is where everything takes a dramatic nose dive into yuckiness!
Loading stuff into the car in HOT temps isn't too much fun. Add to the heat the fact that the packers always think that putting boxes and tomatoes together is a good idea! Another favorite bagger combo is the strawberries and cans combo. This one makes a nice smoothie in the bottom of the bag when the strawberry container inevitably opens during the ride home.
Hop into the HOT car with the AC cranking for the five minutes drive home - not long enough to get cooled off properly - and then it is time to unload - in the HOT weather! Naturally, the unloading can't be done in one trip since the baggers enjoy putting each item in separate bags (except for the combos I listed above!). Leaving the door to the house open is out of the questions since my kitties would love to explore the garage and great outdoors.
Once the bags are all inside - finally - it is unpacking and putting away. And let me tell you, once you are sweaty from the heat outside, you just keep sweating away while moving around to put the groceries away.
Yes, I LOVE grocery shopping!
Voice Update: Doing okay. Not as good as I would like but . . . okay. I need to hit the massage harder than I have been. I forget when I am at work!
LOL. Don't get me started on the bagging techniques of the grocery store workers in the land....But that trip looked wonderful!
I'm with you on the grocery shopping! I hate it with a passion... the whole thing from start to finish!
I sometime feel like committing murder in the aisles!
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