Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Had Good Intentions!

Hi All!

Well, obviously I didn't get to finish my blog from yesterday last night. I got home from working and was totally beat ("beat right down to my socks" to quote Hawkeye from MASH). I ended up in bed before 10:00 and had a good night's sleep.

Speaking of sleep, Skor has been very nice for the past three mornings. He hasn't come in before Hubby's alarm goes off and when he does come in, he has refrained from trying to eat my earrings! Yeah!

Now, in other areas Skor is being a little stinker but . . . at least he is getting better in the whole "not waking Momma up at three in the morning" department!

I am going back to finish my post from yesterday so check out the rest of the commentary.

Oh - I should tell you that L, the receptionist I am sitting in for at my speech therapist's office, had her surgery yesterday and is doing well. The surgery didn't end up as major as they had first thought it might be which is excellent. Now she is recovering. She will probably have to have chemotherapy but, it seems like they got everything which was cancerous. Thank God!

My other friend, M, who had surgery for cancer in her abdomen earlier this Spring, found out yesterday that her most recent scans are all clear. Another shout up for God!


Voice Update: I am doing my exercises and massage. My voice is doing really well - amazing when you consider all the speaking I am doing while working. There is a lot of phone work. I guess there really is something to be said about those exercises! On Monday my friend Lori had an appointment so I saw her while I was working. She said something I found very interesting. She said that she was angry at people who listen to me talk now and assume that I never really had ABSD. Lori said that she was offended that they would discount all of the hard work I have done to recover my voice. It felt nice to know that others who know me understand what comments like that feel like to me and are offended for me.

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