Today I thought I would show off my growing "garden" since you have seen it from its infancy. It is doing pretty well but, due to the Texas heat, I have to make sure I water it each and every morning or things don't go so well!
Here is an "overview" picture of the whole thing.

There you have it - a guided tour of my garden this week. I hope you enjoyed. I will keep watering my heart out and, hopefully, my garden will keep blooming for me to enjoy from my kitchen window!
Voice Update: I got a massage from Susan and so my neck is feeling better. Susan said my voice "isn't too bad." After two weeks, I will take that!
I wonder if I have coneflowers in the yard. I'm going to have to take some pics and post them to find out. Your garen is doing beautiful! I'm jealous of your flowers.
I love the clematis, coneflower and moonflower! Thanks for the walk around your garden!
It has been so hot here that we are having to water extra! I love your clematis!
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