Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Look Who Says "Good Morning!"

Hi All!

This lovely spider was kind enough to greet me during my morning walk this morning. Luckily, he/she didn't jump out at me but hung peacefully on his/her web and just waved a couple yellow and brown striped legs in my direction.
Maybe it is because Halloween is coming up shortly but, for some reason, I have been fascinated with spiders and spider webs lately.
It began with the spider web in my front yard. Sadly, the Terminex guy "took care of" that web. The spider tried to build again but the recent rain frustrated its efforts.
Then - I saw a huge web this morning with this friendly little spider sitting in the middle of it. I had to stop and look. Amazing - isn't it?
Of course, it is amazing in the wild. In its web. Not in my house. Or, heaven forbid - in my bed!
Anyway - I walked again today despite my knees telling me that they would rather stay snug in bed. It isn't actually my knees - it is the muscles directly above my knees but not my thigh muscles. They protested pretty much the entire time. Oh well!
After walking I trooped upstairs and did day two of my weight routine. Oh yeah! My muscles will love me tonight!
It is good for me, right?
Do you remember a while back when I told you about the podcast book I was listening to? The first book was Shadowmagic. Then I started listening to the sequel, The Prince of Hazel and Oak. Both books are very good and I highly recommend them to you for your listening pleasure. Or, if you prefer, you can get the first book in print. Just google it and find the author's page or find the book on Amazon.
Recently I started listening to another podcast book called The Spiral Tattoo by Michael J. Parry. This book is about a pair of law enforcement officers, a fairy and a troll. Different, yes, but so far, very interesting. I am hooked.
If you are interested in looking at these books or other books you can get as podcasts (for free!!) you can check out a website called Podiobooks. It has podcast books of all genres.
Okay, end of commercial! I just really have enjoyed these podcast books and think that you would too!
Voice Update: Still on track. Last night I didn't quite get in my entire hour of oral reading because I wanted to get my papers typed up for class but, I did at least a half hour! I know, I know. Not good enough. However, it is a start, don't you think?


Elizabeth said...

Buster says you should try reading
"Charlotte's Web"
it is all about a very wise spider!
I taught it in school.
A super story!

Mental P Mama said...

I don't like that spider. At all. Could you talk as you type your papers?

Flea said...

Still on track, but not on crack. Phew! And girl! Spiders? WAY scarier than clowns!!!

Chris H said...

That is one evil, scary looking spider! I dont' like them AT ALL...