Friday, March 18, 2011

Shrubs, Shrubs, Everywhere!

Hi All!

Yesterday was a shrubby kind of a day! Hubby and I have been talking for a long time about ripping out our overgrown shrubbery in the front of our house to replace it with new shrubs more to our taste (and maybe with less of a tendency to grow a foot in a day!). Some of the shrubs were ripped out when we had out foundation fixed up but there are still several (many!) to be dealt with.

Hubby and I originally thought we would have a landscape company come in and take care of the shrubs but that changed about two days ago when Hubby decided to dig them out ourselves!


Well, the process is started. It is a bit hard to believe but . . . it is started. I began the week by trimming shrubs which might take a while to dig out (so the home owners' association doesn't complain!). Then I headed to the nursery to pick up some new shrubs and some flowers (of course!). That was my job yesterday. Here is what I came home with.
These Columbines were just too darn pretty to pass up. They will find a new home in my corner garden outside of the kitchen window where they will get partial shade.

This is one of the newbies for the front. I wanted a nice mix of leaf colors as well as some flowering.
This plant has nice white flowers to contrast with the purple of the previous shrub.

Another purple to go on the other side of the bed for some balance.

Okay - this one is sort of purple as well but it will have reddish berries eventually - a nice shot of fall color!
This isn't all of the shrubs I bought but a nice selection to show what I was up to yesterday.
Well, yesterday morning anyway! It stretched into the early afternoon and it was HOT! It was about 80 degrees and I was pretty warm by the time I was finished walking around and lugging pots out of the car! After that I crashed in the house - well, I wanted to crash but I had to clean up a "lovely" hairball. THEN I crashed and cooled down before my hair appointment.
To answer the inevitable question- my hair is looking the same as it has looked for a while - just a bit longer. I got the ends cut off so everything lies better and it feels better.
After my haircut and some more resting Hubby came home and it was back out into the fray - so to speak. More shrub trimming for me and for Hubby . . . .

This is what Hubby did while I trimmed. He dug out the shrub on the corner - a "lovely" holly shrub which we really, really don't like because it spikes us all the time.
The shrub was where the large patch of dirt is now.

Then Hubby came to the other side to help me with trimming and got a little frustrated with a shrub so . . . .


He dug it out! He also started cutting down the yellow and green shrub in the back. He doesn't like them since they have some kind of infestation.


Two out of a million shrubs down . . . well, not really a million. It just feels like that when we have to trim. Needless to say, we are NOT replacing all of the shrubs but are going with fewer. Fewer to trim. More empty space between shrubs. More perennial flowers. More watering.


So not everything will be perfect but . . . I think it will be an improvement.


Did I mention that after the first day of trimming my body hurt? However, after working again yesterday - the stiffness and stuff is much less. I wonder how it will be after today!




Voice Update: Doing well.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Can't you do exactly what you want in your own garden? You mentioned a Home owners association and complaints?
It will be nice to see the new gardens once you have finised it!