Hi All!For my one reader who noticed that I haven't posted in quite a while (the reader OTHER than my mom!), I am back! I didn't post for a while due to several factors. First - I had a bad headache for a couple days and that knocked me out. I didn't want to complain so . . . I didn't! Next, class started to get involved. I am going out observing working American Sign Language interpreters and some of the jobs have been early in the morning so . . . there went my posting time. Finally, I just needed a break to find some interesting things to talk about!Now I have a store of things to talk about so . . . going back in time a bit - I will start! Look at these clouds!
You must admit that after our LONG dry and HOT spell, these clouds look like they just might bring some rain!
Here is a video of the first "real" rain we had in a long time. I was so excited that I had to take a video of it!
I will admit that since that rain storm, another storm, the headache, and the observations . . . I hadn't been walking/swimming for almost two weeks!!!! No wonder I was getting cranky!
Well, today I fixed that and pulled on the swimsuit, hit the sidewalk, and got back on track! I had a really, really nice time! The water was perfect - not to warm and not too cool. I felt like I relaxed completely for the first time in a long time. In fact, I took some extra time to just float and relax because it felt so darn wonderful!
Hopefully, now that I have started again, this will be the start of another long spell of walking/swimming!
That is is for today. I do have more to share, I promise, but, it will have to wait until tomorrow since I do have other things to do for class . . . .
Have a fabulous Tuesday!
Voice Update: My voice is still doing really well. I am not quite on my reading schedule again yet (it went up in smoke along with blogging, walking, and swimming!) but, I plan to fix that stating tomorrow. Today I won't have trouble getting my hour of talking in since I will be at school for a LONG time! I am squeezing more throat massage in while washing my face in the morning and evening and while putting on moisturizer after each wash. It seems to be working at keeping my voice steady!