Can you figure out what this is from this not-too-great picture? Yeah! You got it right! It is a calendar. The top strip has all the days of the week. The middle strip is for the month and the bottom is for the date. Neat, huh?
Well, I think it is neat anyway. Hubby on the otherhand doesn't like it at all. Obviously I won the debate over if it would be hung up in our house but. . . I just have to ask - what do you think about it?
On a different topic - I just got back from walking (yeah, I know - what else is new?) with C. Mrs. N has stopped walking due to going back to work (she is a teacher) which leaves just me and C.
I was a bit nervous about walking with C on my own. When Mrs. N walked she sort of served as a buffer so I didn't have to talk too much. Without Mrs. N I would be the direct focus of C's talking. And let me tell you - she can talk up a storm!
Luckily, things are going well so far. With just the two of us C is a bit better at listening and she seems very interested in getting to know me. While I don't know that she will ever be my best, best friend, she is okay. Thank goodness!
Voice Update: I was a good girl and did exercises before meeting C to walk. My voice is doing well but I did notice that a few words were giving me problems. Drats! I guess that is just part of the "dance" that I will always have to deal with. Yesterday I met with Lori - who also has ABSD and we had a nice chat about all kinds of thing. True, we were supposed to talk about the support group meeting but, we ended up talking about exercises and massage and stuff like that. I am going to be good today too since I have already started off on the right foot!
Well done on all fronts! I think the calendar is interesting....
The calandar is cute but my kids would wouls constantly switch the dates, making me insane!
I have this little calendar in the downstairs bathroom that says July 28. I guess it doesn't want to change. MUD
WEll done on the walking and talking.... the calendar is INTERESTING.... like your hubby though, I reckon something with pretty pictures is nicer! But each to their own eh? If we were all the same with the same tastes the world would be a boring place!
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